Wednesday 28 November 2007

A Moment to Myself

After a seemingly endless winter, I now sit bathing in the sun's radiance, with a gentle breeze brushing my bare arms and face. I rest on a softly sloping hill; the grass is a glass bottle green and the sky above a striking blue, with light wisps of hair. Directly in front of me stands a palace-like structure with towers and turrets, which looked oh-so ominous during the winter months, but now seems to relax in its own contented magnificence.

I hear birds twittering and calling to one another; playing among the trees behind me, and, similarly, the cry and laughter of children is faintly audible in the distance. The bustling traffic of the city seems so far away in comparison to the birds. The gentle breeze rustles through the leaves of trees and takes my attention away from the ambulance siren in the distance.

Peaceful. Tranquil. The words seem to imitate the sounds so close at hand. Nature's music sings to me, and only me, as I sit resting on this hill of grass.

The white wisps of hair disperse further, showing more of the blueness above. As I drink from my bottle of water, the cool liquid goes down my throat as though I am drinking the sky itself.

Reluctantly I get on my feet and head towards the palace of brick and stone. Gravel crunches and scrunches beneath my feet as I reach the door. But before I enter, I return my gaze to where I sat on the green hill and long to return. I glance up into the sky, and in the distance notice some dark grey clouds gathering, before turning to the door once more.

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